


For Family,

Quality Of Life,

Outdoor Adventure,

Farm And Business...

Welcome to Newton County!

For Family, for Quality of Life, Outdoor Adventure, Farm and Business…. Welcome to Newton County!

It is our mission to provide a friendly, safe and secure quality of life for all residents and visitors to our Newton County communities.

Newton County is proud of the fact that we are an agricultural county. Over 70% of our acreage here is farmland. We are also the home to a number of exceptional outdoor spaces and venues, such as, the DNR’s Willow Slough with JC Murphey Lake, LaSalle Fish and Game Preserve, Willow Slough Shooting Range, Kankakee Sands Nature Conservancy with their bison viewing area , Fair Oaks Farms and George Ade’s Historic Hazelden Estate. For hikers and walkers, we offer miles of Newton County trails and walking paths.

Newton County is Indiana’s youngest county, meaning we were the last county to be officially formed in Indiana. We have a rich and colorful past history! We boast having once been home to the largest fresh water lake, Beaver Lake, where counterfeiters and horse thieves operated on Bogus Island. We are the birth place to world renown playwright and author, George Ade, former Indiana Governor, Warren T. McCray and Hall of Fame baseball player, Sam Rice.

Newton County is fortunate to  have the support of our county officials, local leaders and our business community, all of whom share a vested interest in helping our county grow in the right way, insuring our rural quality of life and our future.

I invite you to contact my office with questions on available business locations, opportunities, community, tourism and all things Newton County- or to set up a customized Newton County tour please contact my office at- 888-663-9866-x 2601 /

For additional information, you can also visit, -  -    or find us on FB at Newton County Indiana or Newton County Park Board.DISCOVER NEWTON COUNTY!

We truly look forward to seeing you soon!